Services for Schools
Whether you're looking for curriculum teaching, instrumental lessons, choirs, drama clubs or simply help with a production, we have you covered, and even better ……... we are flexible to suit your individual needs!

Instrumental lessons
Give your students a wide range of instruments to learn, we've a team of highly experienced teachers and a cupboard full of instruments to rent.

Drama Clubs
​Drama can be such a corner stone of a young persons life, to be able to express themselves and build confidence in a controlled environment is something that will last a lifetime.

In need of a school choir? or would you like a more professional edge to your current one? It's a great way to promote your school when those faces start to sparkle in public!

​Christmas looming? End of year productions? We can help bring your plays to life.

Curriculum teaching
​With a specialist you can offer quality teaching in music and drama to your students whilst releasing your teachers from their class - PPA? interventions? The choice is yours!

Don't fancy the admin?
We understand that you're busy so we'll do that too! Invoicing, contact with parents, letters to get out - we'll do the lot!